Introduction to giosystem-settings-django

Giosystem-settings-django is a django application that stores the settings for the giosystem. It has an administration web interface that can be used to edit the settings. It also exposes a REST API that can be queried programatically in order to retrieve the settings from any host. This makes it possible to use the same settings for all the giosystem hosts.

The settings app can be installed in any host. This provides a convenient way to both having:

  • A set of operational settings, available on a secure host. These settings are used by all hosts that execute product generating packages in the main processing lines. They are rarely edited and access controlled, providing a stable and secure environment for production.
  • Other settings instances, installed in development machines, that can be used for testing

Therefore, when working with the giosystem code, we must decide on what settings app will be used and provide the URL to its REST API to the giosystemcore.settings.get_settings() function.

Operational settings host

Currently the operational settings are available at the gio-gl host (only accessible from within IPMA’s private network).

In order to access the administration interface, a specific user account must be used. Authentication credentials are available internally at GIO-GL’s web based collaboration tool


Detailed installation instructions are available at the projects source code repository

Editing the settings

The settings can be inspected and edited using the online administration interface. It is available at


The settings can be queried by using the API provided at This API is generated using the django tastypie project.