Debugging giosystemcore errorsΒΆ

In order to debug giosystemcore troubles it is usefull to use an interactive ipython shell.

cd <giosystem_code_location>
source venv/bin/activate

Whenever there is some error during a package execution, it is usually usefull to instantiate the package and check that both its properties and those of its inputs and outputs are set correctly.

import giosystemcore.settings
import giosystemcore.packages.packagefactory as pf
p = pf.get_package('<troublesome_package_name>', '<troublesome_timeslot>')
# check that the package and its files have the expected timeslots
[f.timeslot for f in p.inputs + p.outputs]
# check that the search paths and search patterns are correct
inp = p.inputs[0]
inp.search_path, inp.search_pattern
# check whether the io_buffer and archive are being used as expected
# make sure not to copy any of these debug outputs to the io_buffer or the
# archive
p.copy_outputs_to_io_buffer = False
p.copy_outputs_to_archive = True
# try to find the inputs
found = p.find_inputs()
# check where is the working directory for the package
# make sure not to remove the working directory
p.remove_working_directory = False